The inner sense of time: how the brain creates our experience of time
Intimacy, Attachment Security, and Interpersonal Behavior in Adulthood
Rapid Antidepressant Effects of Ketamine Require Synaptic Protein Synthesis and Spine Formation
Circadian Rhythms: Being Synchronized to the Outside World
Information limit of social interaction
The Hierarchy of Temporal Experiences
How practice makes perfect: Repeated study improves memory by neural pattern reinstatement
How the languages we speak shape the ways we think
Chinese philosopher Fung Yu-Lan’s perspective of the self and self-transcendence
Categorization and Decision: a Multimodal Brain Imaging Approach
God, guns, and… China? How ideology impacts American attitudes and policy preferences towards China?
Spirituality and positive psychology
An integrated framework explaining upward influence in Taiwan
Panic disorder theory and neuroscicence research
Health Behavior Change: Theory and Evidence
Dimensional overlap - a unified framework of attentional effects