
Utilizing participatory mixed-methods to culturally adapt and market digital mental health interventions
3pm-4:30pm, 16 October, 2019, 1113,wangkezhen Bldg

The role of loneliness in general and in temporary disability pensioners in particular: Findings from Germany and implications for cross-cultural studies
1pm-2:30pm, 11 October, 2019, 1115,wangkezhen Bldg

Who stays resilient in the face of trauma and adversity?
10:00-11:30, Oct. 8, 2019, #1206, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University

Understanding and treating post-traumatic stress disorder: Innovative treatment approaches
10:00-11:30, Oct. 10, 2019, #1206, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University

Dissecting the computational roles of the social brain
16:00-17:30, Oct. 8, 2019, #1113, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University

Wake up! How arousal influences goal-directed and exploratory behavior
10:00-11:30, Oct. 8, 2019, #1113, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University

The forces that shape the organization of object knowledge in the brain
13:00 - 14:30, Sep. 24, 2019, Room B101,Lui Che Woo Building

Connectedness in Social Context
10:00 a.m. , September 9, 2019, #1113,Wangkezhen Building,Peking University

Contextual modulation of touch
13:00 - 14:30, Sep. 2, 2019, #1113,Wangkezhen Building,Peking University

Hypothalamic control of male sexual behaviors and territorial aggression in mice
14:00 - 15:30, August. 26, 2019, Room 1113, Wangkezhen Building (王克桢楼), Peking University

Tuning of interocular adaptation is revealed by chromatic and achromatic monocular deprivation
10:00 - 11:30, July 30, 2019, #1115, Wangkezhen Building, Peking University

Spatial and temporal ensemble coding in face adaptation
13:00 - 14:30, July 16, 2019, #1113, Wang Kezhen Building

Fast neuronal processing in decision making, attention, and learning
Jun. 20th, 13:00 - 14:00, Room 101, Lui Che Woo Building(吕志和楼), Peking University

Seeing fast and slow: temporal rhythms in visual perception
13:00 - 14:30, June 25, 2019 , #1206, Wang Kezhen Building

Two-stage unfolding tree model in survey research
3:10-4:30 pm, 4 June, 2019, #1113 Wangkezhen Building

Exploring the Dynamics in the Resting State Brain Activity.
13:00-14:30, June 18, 2019 , #1113, Wang Kezhen Building

Individual-Team Interface in Relationship Conflict Management: A Multilevel Perspective
11:30-13:30, 3rd June, 2019, #1115,Wangkezhen Building,Peking University

A Rhythm account of statistical learning
9:30 - 11:00, June 12th, 2019, #1115,Wangkezhen Building,Peking University

Syntax in the Human Brain
13:00-14:30, May 28, 2019 , #1113, Wangkezhen Building,Peking University

Culturally Sensitive Psychosocial Interventions to Improve Well-being among Chinese Cancer Survivors: An Overview and Examples
15:00 - 17:00, May 28th, 2019, #1113, Wangkezhen Building,Peking University