Dr. Cong Yu is a professor in Department of Psychology of Peking University and a principle investigator of IDG-McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and Peking-Tsinghua Center for Life Sciences. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Psychology from University of Louisville at 1995. His lab focuses on the psychophysical and brain mechanisms of perceptual learning, and the perceptual training of patients with amblyopia.

List of Publications

Xiao L, Liu L, Yu, C & Wu, S. (2024) A feature-task dual learning model of perceptual learning, 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024).

Zhang, S. H., Zhao, X. N., Jiang, D. Q., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2024). Ocular dominance-dependent binocular combination of monocular neuronal responses in macaque V1. ELife, 13, RP92839.

Zhao, X.-N., Guan, S.-C., Xiong, Y.-Z., & Yu, C. (2024). Crossmodal to unimodal transfer of temporal perceptual learning. Perception, 53(11-12), 753-762.

Zhao, X. N., Dong, X. S., Jiang, D. Q., Wu, S., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2024). Population coding for figure-ground texture segregation in macaque V1 and V4. Progress in Neurobiology, 240, 102655.

Guan, S.-C., Xiong, Y.-Z., & Yu, C. (2024). Double training reveals an interval-invariant subsecond temporal structure in the brain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(12), 1225–1235.

Zhang, S. H., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2024). Testing Hubel and Wiesel’s “ice-cube” model of functional maps at cellular resolution in macaque V1. Cerebral Cortex, 34(12), bhae471.

Ju, N. S., Guan, S. C., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2022). Macaque V1 responses to 2nd-order contrast-modulated stimuli and the possible subcortical and cortical contributions. Progress in Neurobiology, 102315.

Xiong, Y. Z., Guan, S. C., & Yu, C. (2022). A supramodal and conceptual representation of subsecond time revealed with perceptual learning of temporal interval discrimination. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-9.

Guan, S. C., Ju, N. S., Tao, L., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2021) Functional organization of spatial frequency tuning in macaque V1 revealed with two-photon calcium imaging. Progress in Neurobiology, 205, 102120.

Hu, D. Z., Wen, K., Chen, L.H., & Yu, C. (2021) Perceptual learning evidence for supramodal representation of stimulus orientation at a conceptual level, Vision Research, 187, 120-128.

Ju, N. S., Guan, S. C., Tao, L., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2021) Orientation tuning and end-stopping in macaque V1 studied with two-photon calcium imaging. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 2085-97.

Xie, X. Y., Zhao, X. N., & Yu, C. (2020). Perceptual learning of motion direction discrimination: Location specificity and the uncertain roles of dorsal and ventral areas. Vision Researh, 175, 51-57

Xie, X. Y., Liu, L. & Yu, C. (2020). A new perceptual training strategy to improve vision impaired by central vision loss. Vision Research, 174, 69-76.

Guan, S. C., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Y. C., Tang, S. M., & Yu, C. (2020). Plaid detectors in macaque V1 revealed by two-photon imaging. Current Biology, 30, 934-940.

Xie, X. Y., & Yu, C. (2020). A new format of perceptual learning based on evidence abstraction from multiple stimuli, Journal of Vision, 20, 5.

Xiong, Y. Z., Tang, D. L., Zhang, Y. X., & Yu, C. (2020). Complete cross-frequency transfer of tone frequency learning after double training. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(1):94-103.

Xie, X. Y., & Yu, C. (2019). Perceptual learning of Vernier discrimination transfers from high to zero noise after double training. Vision Research, 156, 39-45.

Zhang, J.-Y., & Yu, C. (2018). Vernier learning with short- and long-staircase training and its transfer to a new location with double training. Journal of Vision, 18(13):8, 1–8.

Xie, X. Y. & Yu, C. (2018). Double training downshifts the threshold vs. noise contrast (TvC) functions. Vision Research, 152, 3-9.

Kuai, S. G., Li, W., Yu, C., & Kourtzi, Z. (2017). Contour integration over time: Psychophysical and fMRI evidence, Cerebral Cortex, 27, 3042-3051

Han, Q.M., Cong, L.J., Yu, C., & Liu, L. (2017). Developing a logarithmic Chinese reading acuity chart. Optometry and Vision Science, 94(6):714-724.

Xiong, Y.Z., Zhang, J.Y., & Yu, C. (2016). Bottom-up and top-down influences at untrained conditions determine perceptual learning specificity and transfer. eLife, 5:e14614.

Yin, C., Bi, Y.Q., Yu, C., & Wei, K.L. (2016). Eliminating direction specificity in visuomotor learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(13):3839-3847.

Wang, R., Wang, J., Zhang, J.Y., Xie, X.Y., Yang, Y.X., Luo, S.H., Yu, C., & Li, W. (2016). Perceptual learning at a conceptual level. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(7):2238-2246.

Zhang, J.Y., & Yu, C. (2016). The transfer of motion direction learning to an opposite direction enabled by double training: A reply to Liang et al. (2015). Journal of Vision, 16(3):29, 1-4.

Cong, L.J., Wang, R.J., Yu, C. & Zhang, J.Y. (2016). Perceptual learning of basic visual features remains task specific with Training-Plus-Exposure (TPE) training. Journal of Vision, 16(3):13, 1-9.

Xiong, Y. Z., Xie, X. Y., & Yu, C. (2016). Location and direction specificity in motion direction learning associated with a single-level method of constant stimuli. Vision Research, 119, 9–15.

Zhang, G.L., Li, H., Song, Y., & Yu, C. (2015). ERP C1 is top-down modulated by orientation perceptual learning. Journal of Vision, 15(10):8, 1-11.

Xiong, Y.Z., Yu, C., & Zhang, J.Y. (2015). Perceptual learning eases crowding by reducing recognition errors but not position errors. Journal of Vision, 15(11):16, 1-13.

Wang, R., Zhang J.Y., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2014). Vernier perceptual learning transfers to completely untrained retinal locations after double training: a piggybacking effect. Journal of Vision, 14(13):12, 1-10.

Zhang, J.Y., Cong, L.J., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2014). Perceptual learning improves adult amblyopic vision through rule-based cognitive compensation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55, 2020-2030.

Wang, R., Cong, L.J., & Yu, C. (2013). The classical TDT perceptual learning is mostly temporal learning. Journal of Vision, 13(5):9, 1-9.

Zhang, G.L., Cong, L.J., Song, Y., & Yu, C. (2013). ERP P1-N1 changes associated with Vernier perceptual learning and its location specificity and transfer. Journal of Vision, 13(4):19, 1-13.

Wang, R., Zhang, J.Y., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2012). Task relevancy and demand modulate double-training enabled transfer of perceptual learning. Vision Research, 61, 33-38.

Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, G.L., Liu, L., & Yu, C. (2012). Whole report uncovers correctly identified but incorrectly placed target information under visual crowding. Journal of Vision, 12(7):5, 1-11.

Liu, X. Y., Zhang, T., Jia, Y. L., Wang, N. L., & Yu, C. (2011). The therapeutic impact of perceptual learning on juvenile amblyopia with or without previous patching treatment. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52, 1531–1538.

Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, G.L., Xiao, L.Q., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2010). Rule-based learning explains visual perceptual learning and its specificity and transfer. Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 12323-12328.

Zhang, T., Xiao, L. Q., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2010). Decoupling location specificity from perceptual learning of orientation discrimination. Vision Research, 50, 368-374.

Liu, L., Klein, S.A., Xue, F., Zhang, J.Y., & Yu, C. (2009). Using geometric moments to explain human letter recognition near the acuity limit. Journal of Vision, 9(1):26, 1-18.

Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, T., Xue, F., Liu, L., & Yu, C. (2009). Legibility of Chinese characters in peripheral vision and the top-down influences on crowding. Vision Research, 49, 44-53.

Xiao, L. Q., Zhang, J.Y., Wang, R., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2008). Complete transfer of perceptual learning across retinal locations enabled by double training. Current Biology, 18, 1922-1926.

Zhang, J.Y., Kuai, S.G., Xiao, L. Q., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2008). Stimulus coding rules for perceptual learning. PLoS Biology, 6, 1651-1660.

Zhang, J.Y., Zhang, T., Xue, F., Liu, L., & Yu, C. (2007). Legibility of Chinese characters and its implications for visual acuity measurement in Chinese reading population. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 48, 2383-2390.

Levi, D.M., Yu, C. , Kuai, S.G., & Rislove, E. (2007). Global contour processing in amblyopia. Vision Research, 47, 512-524.

Kuai, S.G. & Yu, C. (2006). Constant contour integration in peripheral vision for stimuli with good Gestalt properties. Journal of Vision, 6, 1412-20.

Kuai, S.G., Zhang, J.Y., Klein, S. A., Levi, D. M. & Yu, C. (2005). The essential role of stimulus temporal patterning in enabling perceptual learning. Nature Neuroscience, 8, 1497-1499.

Yu, C., Klein, S.A., & Levi, D.M. (2004). Perceptual learning in contrast discrimination and the (minimal) role of context. Journal of Vision, 4,169-182.

Yu, C. , Klein, S.A., & Levi, D.M. (2003). Cross- and iso- oriented surrounds modulate the contrast response function: The effect of surround contrast. Journal of Vision, 3,527-540.

Yu, C. , Klein, S.A., & Levi, D.M. (2002). Facilitation of contrast detection by cross-oriented surround stimuli and its psychophysical mechanisms. Journal of Vision, 2, 243-255.

Yu, C. , Klein, S.A., & Levi, D.M. (2001). Surround modulation of perceived contrast and the role of brightness induction. Journal of Vision, 1, 18-31.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (2000). Surround modulation in human vision unmasked by masking experiments. Nature Neuroscience, 3, 724-728.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1999). The time course of psychophysical end-stopping. Vision Research, 39, 2063-2073.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1998). Rectification nonlinearity in cortical end-stopped perceptive field. Vision Research, 38, 3517-3530.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1998). Spatial frequency and orientation tuning in psychophysical end-stopping. Visual Neuroscience, 15, 585-595.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1998). Naso-temporal asymmetry of spatial interactions in strabismic amblyopia. Optometry and Vision Science, 75, 424-432.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1997). Spatial facilitation predicted with end-stopped spatial filters. Vision Research, 37, 3117-3127.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1997). Cortical components of the Westheimer function. Vision Research, 37, 2535-2544.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1997). End-stopping and length-tuning in psychophysical spatial filters. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 14 , 2346-2354.

Yu, C. & Levi, D.M. (1997). Cortical end-stopped perceptive fields: Evidence from dichoptic and amblyopic studies. Vision Research, 37, 2261-2270.

Yu, C. & Essock, E.A. (1996). Spatial scaling of end-stopped perceptive fields: Differences in neural bases of end-zones, flanks, and centers. Vision Research, 36, 3129-3139.

Yu, C. & Essock, E.A. (1996). Psychophysical end-stopping associated with line target. Vision Research, 36, 2883-2896.